Human Beings have had their sexual life force stolen from them.
As I dive deeper and deeper into the financial state that the whole world is spinning from, the human sexual wound continues to blare at me. It is really just a small percentage of people that are not in debt, that are not impoverished. And an even smaller percentage, that don’t feel controlled by money, sex or power. If you are sexually wounded you might really feel bad about being in your power. You might feel even worse about being rich.
I invite you to sink deeply into the awareness of how sexuality and finances are connected. And I mean on that cellular level, not because you read in a book that the first chakra has to do with finances and sex.
Why is that?
I have so much to say on this subject, so I may do a few articles, but as we know, everything is created with sexual energy. Everything. How did you get here? Sex. They say that Mother Mary was a virgin. Perhaps, but isn’t that interesting that they took the physical life force out of an entire religion? And isn’t it interesting how successful the power mongers were at using that religion to impoverish and control people?
Sexual abuse, misuse of sexual energy, child prostitution, pornography, priests molesting boys, it goes on and on. I once read that the two largest industries in the US are Christian rock and pornography? Talk about a split! I have been searching for the truth for awhile. I knew I had to go very deep, and in territory I was not comfortable with.
I Went to the Big Guns
So, I started channeling. At first it all felt yummy and encouraging as usual, and then, a totally different energy came in. I shifted my field into “conversation mode” and began to listen and feel into something that I knew was a huge key. These were not my every day high -level guides! Here is what they said.
There is a stamp of evil on your currency. So when you bless the money, you must intentionally bless through this evil you do not want to give power in your blessing to those who would do you harm or do another harm. So go deep within this stamp. Within the stamp is the serpent, the cobra. The cobra can be commanded and contained. The cobra can dance. The cobra contains deadly venom. This is not the appropriate stamp for a currency to be lifted into the oneness of love. So you must go to the heart of the cobra, an astral from who holds control over humanity and bring in love to the heart of the cobra. You must love the cobra’s heart. That is the key to unlocking the puzzle that resides deep into your consciousness.
It is tricky, there is the snake phobia that tortures people who have had no bad experiences with snakes. But overcoming the fear of the snake, is bringing your light to humanity and to the sexual wound, your light to the genitals, your light to the future of how humanity deals with its power, its sexuality and its finances. The divine expression of finances is a creative force. That is what is divine. It was never meant to control, dominate or scare the hell out of anyone. Do not be deceived by the cobra’s wrath. He is just mad because he has been controlled, kept tame and used for negative purposes.
Bring your love into this heart and watch your bank account grow, watch your guilt disappear as you know you are healing the wounded ally of money itself, of power itself, of sexuality itself, all tied up into one unhappy snake. This snake is not allowed to feel itself, its freedom or its love. This snake, were he free, would not be controlling or dominating humanity but playing out its own destiny as a snake.
Humanity recreates the intensity of this image each day it remains a vicitm to the dominating forces that seek to control you. The snake is very powerful by now because of all these thought forms. But the snake, my dear, the snake needs to be seen for all of who he is, he needs the other side of his greatness to be recognized so he can be free. This darkness has controlled him, and all of you for way too long.
If you corrupt the original connecting force of life you have a corrupted people, a disconnected people, you have a people who lose their moral compass when it comes to sexuality, finances and Earth. It gets passed down generation to generation. And this is the black magic of the Nazi sorcerers. And it is all about control. We tell you this snake would rather not be controlled, because while its nature can be unpredictable if threatened, generally the snake is a harmonious part of the human/astral ecosystem, and needs to be seen as such.
At this point I wanted to know a little bit more about who I was channeling, because the vibration was so different, I was getting nauseous. It was slow, dense, and intense.
We are knowledgeable guides that come not so much in the form of upliftment, but in the form of knowledge of this particular issue, we are the guardians of this information. You see, my friend, you have the power to make a real difference here and to release us from bondage. Yes we are the snakes. All of the light you carry is attractive, and we would like to help you be more prosperous. Please look at our hearts, for they have grown small.
How would you feel if an entire species hated you? This is what has happened on this great planet. We are superior to you in many ways, but somehow we became corrupted. After millenia of assisting humanity, we were corrupted, used by the biblical set who cared not about humanity, but only cared about playing with power. And we carry the deepest first chakra vibration, the deepest connection to Mother Earth, so why not manipulate an entire species against us to serve their purpose? A big mess has been made and we all must clean it up. Keep looking at our hearts because we need this healing and you need this healing.
O.M.G. I was talking to reptilians.
Over the years I have done a lot of work on the astral planes, becoming empowered, knowing exactly what to do. But this was a new level, and I had to sink deep into trust that all was well, and that I was still empowered and not being tricked.
The information and vibration that came through shifted me so totally that I have been on a rollercoaster of deep processing ever since. I have not shared everything, and I know there will be many more channelings. I researched a bit on the snake, as I know that almost every culture has a snake legend, dance or ceremony. The one piece of information that struck me the most was this line: Snakes symbolize the umbilical cord, joining all humans to Mother Earth.
Ultimately, the information given to me is about fundamentally changing our relationship with money, and fundamentally changing our relationship with Mother Earth. In order for our kundalini energy to flow, we must start at the base. The divisions that create this allocation of “this is evil, and this is good” must all be healed with Love. The answer is always simple.
Magical Manifestation
In the Magical Manifestation course, we will be working with the snake as an ally. I was gifted this knowledge by the reptilians, and they were very clear they wanted to keep working with me, and to keep working with my groups. The desire is to heal this unbearable wound and return the sacred to our finances, to our sexuality and to our lives.
The result?
A healed relationship with money that allows us to walk our sacred life purpose in true prosperity.
From the Deep Mystery,
CC Treadway
CC Treadway
(c) 2010 Treadway Esoteric, CC Treadway. All rights reserved.
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